Acupuncture for Back and Shoulder Pain

Acupuncture for Back and Shoulder Pain: Find Relief Through Balance

Acupuncture for back and shoulder pain.  Chronic back and shoulder pain, defined as pain persisting beyond 12 weeks, affects millions of people worldwide. It can significantly impact daily life, causing limitations in mobility, sleep, and overall well-being. Traditional Western medicine offers various treatment options, including pain medications, physiotherapy, and in some cases, surgery. While these approaches can be effective, they may come with side effects or limitations.A woman with back pain needing acupuncture for back pain

Eastern vs. Western Medicine for Chronic Pain: Seeking Balance

A growing body of research suggests that Eastern medical practices like acupuncture can offer a complementary approach to managing chronic pain. A 2017 review published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine analysed data from 27 randomised controlled trials and concluded that acupuncture provided comparable or even superior pain relief compared to sham acupuncture or other standard treatments for chronic pain conditions like osteoarthritis and chronic low back pain.

This suggests that acupuncture for back and shoulder pain may not just address symptoms but potentially influence the underlying pain mechanisms. Studies propose that acupuncture may work by stimulating the nervous system to release pain-relieving hormones like endorphins and enkephalins. Additionally, it may promote blood flow and reduce inflammation, contributing to overall pain management.

When Acupuncture for Back and Shoulder Pain Can Shine

While both Western and Eastern approaches have their place in chronic pain management, acupuncture might be particularly beneficial in certain situations:

  • Chronic pain with limited treatment options: For individuals who haven’t found adequate relief with conventional medications or are hesitant about potential side effects, acupuncture offers a non-invasive and drug-free approach.
  • Chronic pain with complex causes: When pain arises from a combination of factors like stress, inflammation, and emotional components, acupuncture’s holistic approach, addressing both physical and energetic imbalances, can be advantageous.
  • Managing pain alongside other symptoms: Acupuncture may be helpful in managing additional symptoms often associated with chronic pain, such as anxiety, insomnia, and fatigue.

A Case Study: Sarah’s Journey resolving Chronic Back and Shoulder Pain

Sarah, a 45-year-old accountant, had been battling chronic low back pain for several years. It started with a minor strain that gradually worsened, restricting her mobility and impacting her sleep. She initially sought help from a doctor. X-rays revealed no major structural issues, and she was prescribed pain medication. While the medication offered some relief, it came with side effects like drowsiness and constipation. Physiotherapy sessions provided temporary improvement, but the pain always seemed to return.

Feeling discouraged, Sarah decided to explore alternative options. After researching acupuncture, she found Caryn. During the initial consultation, Caryn took a detailed history, examining not just her pain but also her overall well-being and emotional state.

Through a series of personalised acupuncture treatments, Sarah gradually noticed improvements until the pain went away. The pain intensity lessened, and her sleep quality improved. Additionally, she felt a reduction in the accompanying stress and anxiety often triggered by the chronic pain.

Important Considerations:

It’s important to remember that acupuncture may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, and individual experiences can vary. While some may find immediate relief, others may require a series of treatments to see noticeable changes.


Chronic pain management often requires a multifaceted approach. Integrating Eastern medical practices like Five Element Acupuncture alongside Western medicine and/or osteopathy or chiropractic can provide a more comprehensive and potentially more effective strategy for managing pain and improving overall well-being. If you’re struggling with chronic pain, consider exploring acupuncture as a complementary approach to your existing treatment plan.

With over 28 years of clinical experience, I am still fascinated by the power of this system of medicine and it’s ability to change mental, emotional and physical symptoms. It’s incredibly rewarding to make such a tangible difference in people’s lives. Contact me and I will be happy to talk to you about whether this treatment is right for you.