Acupuncture for Weight Loss

There’s growing evidence suggesting that acupuncture can be a helpful tool as a natural approach for weight loss. The exact mechanisms are still being explored, but research suggests acupuncture may work by:

  • Appetite regulation: Acupuncture may influence the hormones that control hunger and satiety, leading to reduced cravings and feelings of fullness.
  • Metabolism boost: Studies suggest acupuncture might stimulate the metabolism, helping your body burn calories more efficiently.
  • Stress reduction: Acupuncture is known for its relaxing effects, which can be beneficial for insulin sensitivity as stress can trigger unhealthy eating habits.

Clinical Trial Evidence

While more research is needed, several clinical trials have shown promising results for acupuncture in reducing weight:

  • A 2017 study at the Hong Kong Baptist University found that acupuncture led to an average weight loss of 2.47 kg (5.5 lbs) in participants after eight weeks, compared to a minimal weight loss in the control group [1].
  • A 2019 review and meta-analysis indicated that acupuncture effectively reduced waist circumference and body mass index (BMI) in Asian populations, particularly when combined with diet and exercise [2].
  • Another review compared acupuncture to “sham acupuncture” (needles inserted in non-acupuncture points) and found that true acupuncture resulted in significantly greater weight and BMI reduction [3].

It’s important to note that acupuncture is most effective for weight loss when combined with a healthy diet and exercise plan.

If you’re looking for a safe and complementary approach to support your weight loss journey, acupuncture may be worth exploring.


  • [1. Clinical trial acupuncture proves effectiveness for weight control]([source about acupuncture weight loss ON Medical Xpress])
  • [2. What to know about acupuncture for weight loss]([what does acupuncture do for weight loss ON Medical News Today])
  • [3. The clinical evaluation of electroacupuncture combined with mindfulness meditation for overweight and obesity]([acupuncture for weightloss clinical trials ON National Institutes of Health (.gov)])

Here’s Caryn story

With over 28 years of clinical experience, I am still fascinated by the power of this system of medicine and it’s ability to change mental, emotional and physical symptoms. It’s incredibly rewarding to make such a tangible difference in people’s lives. Contact me and I will be happy to talk to you about whether this treatment is right for you.