Acupuncture for Hormonal Balance

Hormonal imbalances can affect Individuals in a variety of ways. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that offers a natural approach to restore hormonal balance and promoting overall well-being.

How Acupuncture for Hormone Balance May Support You

Acupuncture is believed to influence the body’s energy flow (qi) through specific points (acupoints). By targeting these points, acupuncture may:

  • Regulate hormone production: Acupuncture might stimulate the endocrine system, promoting the production and release of essential hormones.
  • Reduce stress hormones: Stress can disrupt hormonal balance. Acupuncture’s relaxing effects can help lower cortisol levels, promoting hormonal harmony.
  • Improve blood flow: Acupuncture may enhance blood circulation to the reproductive organs, potentially improving their function.

Acupuncture for Women’s Hormonal Issues

  • Women Without Periods: Acupuncture can help regulate the menstrual cycle by addressing underlying imbalances and stimulating proper hormone production.
  • Irregular Cycles: Acupuncture can help regulate ovulation and improve hormonal balance, leading to more consistent cycles.
  • Painful Periods: Acupuncture is able to reduce menstrual cramps and associated discomfort by promoting blood flow and reducing inflammation.
  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome): Studies suggest acupuncture can improve insulin sensitivity and regulate androgen levels, potentially contributing to improved PCOS symptoms.[4]
  • Menopausal Symptoms: Acupuncture can be a helpful tool for managing hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings,and sleep disturbances associated with menopause.[5]

Acupuncture for Men’s Hormonal Issues

  • Low Sperm Count: Acupuncture may improve sperm quality and motility by potentially increasing testosterone levels and blood flow to the testes.
  • Low Sex Drive: Acupuncture can help address stress and emotional factors that can contribute to low libido. By promoting relaxation and well-being, acupuncture may improve sexual desire. [7]


Women’s Hormonal Issues:

  • Amenorrhea: Search for: “Acupuncture for treatment of primary amenorrhea: A systematic review and meta-analysis” (2018) published in “Complementary Therapies in Medicine”. 1
  • Irregular Cycles: Search for: “Effects of individualized acupuncture and herbal medicine on women with infrequent menstruation: A randomized controlled trial” (2014) published in “Acupuncture in Medicine”. 2
  • Dysmenorrhea: Search for: “Acupuncture for primary dysmenorrhoea” (2010) in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 3
  • PCOS: Search for: “Acupuncture combined with metformin versus metformin alone in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome” (2019) published in “Medicine”. 4
  • Menopausal Symptoms: Search for: “Acupuncture for menopausal hot flushes” (2017) published in BMJ Open. 5

Men’s Hormonal Issues:

  • Low Sperm Count: Search for: “Effects of acupuncture on semen parameters of infertile men: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials” (2014) published in “Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology”. 6
  • Low Sex Drive: Search for: “Acupuncture for the treatment of male sexual dysfunction: A systematic review and meta-analysis” (2010) published in “The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine”. 7

With over 28 years of clinical experience, I am still fascinated by the power of this system of medicine and it’s ability to change mental, emotional and physical symptoms. It’s incredibly rewarding to make such a tangible difference in people’s lives. Contact me and I will be happy to talk to you about whether this treatment is right for you.