How does it feel?

The needles are as fine as the hair and are tapped through a plastic tube for painless insertion. The acupuncture point is a few millimetres below the surface of the skin. When reached, there is a momentary dull ache or cramping sensation. Points in areas that don’t have much fat or muscle tend to feel more like a quick sting. Most people find the feeling unusual rather than painful. Each point will be activated and then the needle removed one at a time which is a Japanese needle technique unique to Five Element acupuncture.

For those who have a true needle phobia, the typical comment is ‘is that it?’ The thought of needles is far worse than the actual application.

Most people find the treatment very relaxing and leave feeling rejuvenated.

How does it work?

Acupuncture is the insertion of tiny, hair-like needles at points just below the surface of the body. Western thought is that this stimulates the nervous system which influences the production of hormones and neurotransmitters.  This process allows homeostatic mechanisms to improve helping the body self-regulate into healing mode.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is linked to the belief that disease is caused by disruptions to the flow of energy, or qi, in the body. The needle is then used to restore this qi energy via pathways called meridians that run just below the surface of the skin deeper to each organ.

How long will it take to see the results?

Most people notice some sort of change after the first session – feeling uplifted, relaxed, or an increase in energy level or deeper sleep.  This is an indication that the treatment is working as the function of the body is improving.  Some treatments provide instant relief, whilst other changes take longer to accumulate within the body, one treatment at a time.

Results can vary from person to person for many reasons – overall health, the condition, lifestyle factors and individual responses to acupuncture.  Your rate of recovery will become clearer within the first three sessions. If there are any lifestyle factors that may hinder your progress, this will be discussed in the first few sessions.

Does it work for everyone?

There is an average way I would expect most people to respond to treatment. Outside of that, there are people who respond quickly and others who take longer to see results. Occasionally, with the best effort on both sides, some people just don’t respond to treatment. Sometimes lifestyle habits might be impacting the effectiveness of the treatment, and sometimes it may turn out that there is an  underlying cause that acupuncture can’t help.

What will happen at my first visit?

At the initial consultation, we will spend some time talking about your symptoms and gaining an overall picture of your health. One that is done, you will then lie down as I take your pulse at both wrists. Unlike Western pulse taking, what is measured is the quantity and quality of blood flow at each different pulse position (there are 12). This helps confirm where to place the needle as it gives information about how the energy is flowing through your body. A Japanese needle technique is then applied activating each point at a time and removing it immediately, so you won’t be left lying there with needles in your, although it might feel like it.   Most people find the treatment very relaxing.

How many treatments will I need?

Depending on what the issue is, ideally treatment would be weekly initially.  This could be for anywhere from 2-8 sessions depending on your individual results. If you’re in pain, it could be beneficial to come twice a week to get on top of it.  Once improvements have been gained and maintained, treatment can reduce anywhere from fortnightly to monthly depending on results.  During this phase, changes will be stabilised and improved upon. Some people may only need a few treatments to get rid of soemthing that is niggling them.  Everyone has individual responses to acupuncture and goals.

As maintenance, once symptoms have been alleviated or resolved, you may like to ‘top up’ preventatively.  This could be anything from monthly to twice yearly, depending on the stessors in your life.  In Chinese medicine theory, imbalances can be felt on the pulse long before they turn into a symptom.

Are the needles sterile?

Yes. All needles are stainless steel, single-use and disposable. Several needles will be used within the same treatment and then safely disguarded.